sábado, 19 de enero de 2013


Esta semana estamos aprendiendo a hacer cartas en inglés, en esta ocasión se trataba de una pidiendo una beca para poder hacer practicas en el extranjero.  
Esta es la mía.

Eva María Parralejo Linares.
(mi dirección)

Scholarship for internships abroad.

Jason Lockwood.
Lexington Avenue, 42st
New York, NY. 10029.
                                                                                                                  January,  18st  2013.

Dear Sir;

I am writing this letter, get in touch with you. I would like to ask the  scholarship. I have a extensive knowledge in English, of administration particularly in English.  I have a CFGS of secretary.
 Also, I have extensive control with the packet of Microsoft Office.

I am a person trustworthy, eager to learn, reliable and conscientious.

I`m looking forward to hear from you.

Eva María Parralejo Linares.

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